Ecomedia: All You Need To Know About This Media Concept

Ecomedia just like many other media aspects is a theoretical term coined by media theorists to explain the relationship between media and the environment. Specifically, this theory or concept deals with the link between the non-print media and the natural environment.

It outlines how media can influence the natural environment and vice-versa. Following the broad nature of ecomedia, it is vital to divide this into a couple of subdomains as did the media theorists (Litzinger and Yang, 2019, p. 209). The domains worked independently and showcased the great link that exists between the environment and the media industry today.

1.     Cultural Representation of the Environment in Media

This is the major domain or concept of ecomedia. The cultural representation of the general environment in media is a broad concept that has also been subdivided into various aspects. It includes all the forms of media dealing with issues related to the environment.

This concept tries to explain how ecomedia can act as a tool or a gadget that assists in the understanding of the issues around the environment. It examines how the issues appear and even change based on cultural differences via the study of new and traditional media alike (Estok, 2016, p. 127).

The cultural ideas about the ecology or what many call the environment may come out in the filming of the events, the music and even the television. The manifestation of these ideas, therefore, makes the ecomedia to seem to be aiming solely at promoting a conversation around the themes that concern the topics on the environment in general.

2.     Environmental Impacts of Media Forms

This is the second and equally vital aspect of ecomedia. This aspect deals with the impacts of media on the environment at all the production levels of the media products (Litzinger and Yang, 2020, p. 2). It also looks to make media as a sustainable industry and tool as there can be. 

The aspect of ecomedia also concerns with the examination and analysis of the physical impacts of the media practices on the environment. It bases the arguments on the utilization of the natural resources in the establishment and conveyance f various media types.

In this regard, the ecomedia acts as a way of environmental critique via its elongated engagements with various processes such as production, the distribution as well as the consumption of the media products. It also deals with the cultural hereafter of certain media genres (Litzinger and Yang, 2020, p. 12). This aspect of ecomedia looks to promote better, environmentally friendly and safe media practices.

With the incorporation of these two domains or aspects of ecomedia, the media can remain as sustainable as possible. Ecomedia adopts the practices such as waste management, eliminating wastefulness of storing electronic media and even e-recycling which have offered remedies to the physical waste issues that surround the media industry.


In general, ecomedia is a great branch of media that showcases the sharing of media computing practices with the art of concern with the place as well as content-based creation. In this regard, this aspect of media exists in two major aspects, both of which are vital for the enhancement of a great environment while enhancing media practices and activities. The environment in media and the environmental impacts of media are a couple of vital aspects of ecomedia which theories believe are very vital for the existence of media and the observation of a clean environment around media practices.


Estok, S.C., 2016. Ecomedia and ecophobia. Neohelicon43(1), pp.127-145.

Litzinger, R. and Yang, F., 2019. Ecomedia Events in China: From Yellow Eco-Peril to Media Materialism. In Chinese Environmental Humanities (pp. 209-235). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Litzinger, R. and Yang, F., 2020. Eco-media Events in China: From Yellow Eco-peril to Media Materialism. Environmental Humanities12(1), pp.1-22.


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